Lab 6: Solid Evidence Lab

Lab 6: Solid Evidence Lab

Briefly describe the purpose of the lab and post a photo of your well plate(s) after you’ve completed the reactions. You have two options:
Include a clear image of your balanced equations on page 17 and net ionic equations on page 18 OR
Type up your reactions from page 17 and 18. (This is the harder/more time consuming option)
Describe what surprised you or challenged you most during this lab.      

   The purpose of the lab was to demonstrate to students the  precipitate formed during a double replacement reaction as well as its significance and the possibility that it may not appear. To do so, the lab required students to combine ionic compounds in unique ways and asked them to observe the results. The lab also asked students to write double replacement formulas for each reaction, which allows students to confirm what they see in the lab through formulas and states of matter. By doing so, the lab reinforced the concept of double-replacement reactions as well as the products that it usually produces.

Balanced Equations and Reactions 

   I was surprised by the reactions that we got out of some of the reactions. For instance, the row of reactions involving AgNO3 (silver nitrate). The results differed in color from the colors of both of the reactants; the products were a shade of brown rather than clear like both of its reactants or even a faint milky white. This drastic difference surprised us, as well as how quickly the reactions occurred.


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